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9 Tips for Displaying Your Art Print Collection for a Cohesive Look


Having unique art prints or illustration art posters set up on walls can be a great way to add visual flair, define a space’s purpose, and share one’s interests. But while having one illustration or graphic design poster on your wall is easy enough to do, displaying an entire collection of contemporary art prints without the entire ensemble looking like a mess can be a challenge.


In this short guide, we’ll share some tips that will make it easier for your collection of contemporary art posters and other cool art prints to share your walls harmoniously:

1) Pick Wall Art That You Actually Love

Woman Posting Art Print on Wall


The best foundation of a cohesive and truly enjoyable art collection is a genuine love for your chosen pieces. When selecting prints from DROOL, for example, focus on artwork that resonates with you emotionally. This authentic connection will invariably translate into a more unified display that reflects your inimitable personality and style.

2) Commit to a Colour Palette



To achieve stronger visual harmony, commit to a colour palette that complements your wall colours and existing decor. This doesn't mean that you have to go minimalist or match all your posters and illustrations perfectly. Rather, you want to keep a fairly consistent colour scheme that will tie the collection together. Group prints that share similar hues or tones together to create a cohesive and visually pleasing display.

 Living Room With Art Prints

That said, feel free to mix and match contrasting but complementary colours for added visual interest. Balance is key; aim for a cohesive colour scheme while allowing room for differing but harmonious elements in your art display. (Pro tip: select colours that are opposite on the colour wheel)

3) Re-do Your Walls if Needed



Living room with Various Chairs

Consider the background against which your art will be displayed. If your walls clash with the colour scheme or distract from the artwork, it might be worth repainting or adding wallpaper. If you want your collection to stand out from the space a bit more, choose a more neutral backdrop for your prints.

4) Create Visual Flow throughout Your Collection


 Three Wall Art Print and A table set

Experiment with different print sizes and framing styles to create interest while also helping smoothen visual flows and transitions across your collection. You can do this by being intentional with frame alignment and by placing smaller prints in larger frames to proportionally match bigger pieces, among other strategies. However you choose to build the ensemble’s visual flow, you want to arrange your pieces in a way that guides the viewer's eye across the entire collection.

5) Choose Art Based on Themes and Subject Matter


You don’t always need to rely on colours or visual flow to build a strongly curated look. You can still achieve thematic harmony by selecting graphic design prints or illustration art posters that share common ideas and subject matter. This could be a specific art movement, shared genre, materials, or anything else that ties the collection together. Grouping similar prints in this way will help create a more intentional and organised display, even if the other visual elements may not match up precisely.

6) Use Frames to Bind the Different Works Visually


 Niseko Cho Art Prints

The frames you use for your various pieces can make a major impact on their cohesiveness. When possible, choose frames that complement both the artwork and your decor. Consistency in framing style, colour, or material can help tie diverse pieces together, creating a cohesive and polished appearance.

7) Consider the Rest of Your Space


 Wall Art Print in Bedroom

Before you start setting up your display, take some time to account for the overall aesthetics and functionality of the room. Your posters and illustration art prints should complement the room’s existing furniture, decor, architectural features, and functions. For instance, illustrations of herbs and spices probably belong in the kitchen not in the bathroom.


Also, consider if the scale and style of your prints make sense with the rest of your space to ensure a more put-together look. Massive prints may look out of place in a small space and small prints may also look off-putting if you have a large space and not enough of them.

8) Don’t Be Afraid to Add a Few Odd Pieces


Unless you’re designing a display for a museum or an art gallery, a large display that is too cohesive may actually work against you, particularly if you’re decorating your home. Collections that are too tightly curated can seem a bit devoid of personality, which is not what you want in a home display. Introducing a few unexpected or eclectic pieces can help avoid this issue while also injecting added character into your collection.

9) Regularly Update and Rotate


 Wall Art print near a Man

Keep your art display fresh by rotating prints or adding new pieces periodically. This not only prevents visual fatigue but also allows you to showcase different pieces within your collection over time. Regular updates also ensure your display remains a dynamic reflection of your evolving tastes and interests.

From Mess to Masterpiece


Since the mid-twentieth century, displays of framed illustration art posters and graphic design poster collections have become a popular way to decorate regular homes and workspaces alike. Because they’re so popular in homes and workplaces, large contemporary art collections can sometimes be displayed in ways that make them look messy or lacking in personality. By incorporating these tips into your art display strategy, you can better avoid common pitfalls, allowing you to transform your space into a harmonious, visually striking showcase for your art print collection that is unmistakably your own.

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